Only the bravest and strongest win in this difficult and long battle. In the world of EDERON, sharp mind, strong sense of intuition and true friends are the most important things. Those who have all of that are engraved into the winner pantheon. Game administration and all the players congratulate you!
Player (alliance)(points [settlements]):
[1] * *Joker ( @JK@ ) (1698630 [195])
[2] * *Black ( UA ) (1180000 [118])
[3] * Mamba ( UA ) (720300 [78])
[4] Cccp ( СССР ) (715070 [125])
[5] Imperator ( UA ) (148770 [93])
[6] *Zordex ( -LB- ) (20050 [23])
[7] Artem ( WOW ) (13380 [5])
[8] *Kesha ( WOW ) (11200 [42])
[9] Cobrabt ( - ) (10870 [2])
[10] *Gold Legion ( -LB- ) (10840 [10])
Players: Attacker
Player (attack points)(points [settlements]):
[1] * *Joker ( 3204603480 ) (1698630 [195])
[2] * *Anonim ( 1436358786 ) (9000 [1])
[3] * *Black ( 452893934 ) (1180000 [118])
[4] Mamba ( 364487246 ) (720300 [78])
[5] Imperator ( 360004228 ) (148770 [93])
[6] *Gold Legion ( 104254792 ) (10840 [10])
[7] Вадик ( 86570153 ) (10000 [1])
[8] *Kesha ( 31930370 ) (11200 [42])
[9] Nub ( 23643463 ) (1100 [1])
[10] Artem ( 11166106 ) (13380 [5])
Players: Defender
Player (defence points)(points [settlements]):
[1] * *Anonim ( 1434146698 ) (9000 [1])
[2] * *Joker ( 1186159597 ) (1698630 [195])
[3] * *Black ( 263106862 ) (1180000 [118])
[4] Imperator ( 99495033 ) (148770 [93])
[5] *Gold Legion ( 75849274 ) (10840 [10])
[6] *Kesha ( 65623551 ) (11200 [42])
[7] Вадик ( 45062230 ) (10000 [1])
[8] Artem ( 39308784 ) (13380 [5])
[9] Mamba ( 25112511 ) (720300 [78])
[10] Nub ( 24255866 ) (1100 [1])
Alliance (players [points]):
[1] * UA (5 [2069070])
[2] * @JK@ (1 [1698630])
[3] * СССР (2 [725070])
[4] -LB- (3 [40890])
[5] SSS (4 [40000])
[6] WOW (2 [24580])
[7] НВ (2 [20000])
[8] J*W (1 [9000])
[9] Fear (1 [3640])
[10] ­- (1 [270])
Alliances: Attacker
Alliance (players [attack points]):
[1] * @JK@ (1 [3204603480])
[2] * J*W (1 [1436358786])
[3] * UA (5 [1185859521])
[4] -LB- (3 [110411985])
[5] НВ (2 [86570153])
[6] WOW (2 [43096476])
[7] СССР (2 [36112])
[8] SSS (4 [0])
[9] ­- (1 [0])
[10] Fear (1 [0])
Alliances: Defender
Alliance (players [defence points]):
[1] * J*W (1 [1434146698])
[2] * @JK@ (1 [1186159597])
[3] * UA (5 [387728219])
[4] WOW (2 [104932335])
[5] -LB- (3 [75849274])
[6] НВ (2 [45066310])
[7] СССР (2 [7707649])
[8] SSS (4 [4579422])
[9] ­- (1 [0])
[10] Fear (1 [0]))